Adventures in Booty Camping indeed! I feel like Thor! If Thor had his ass slammed into the side of a mountain. I was trying to wait until the end of the week for a full update but I feel like there is already too much to tell you all!
Let me rewind.
This past Monday night at 7:00 I attended my first Boot Camp session. You have to sign up to attend your first class so they can make sure you actually show, but after that you can go anytime you like within the following schedule: Monday-Friday 6:00 or 7:00 am, Mon, Tues, Thurs also have 6:00 & 7:00 pm options, and Sunday is 8am or 10am.
Monday: Upon arrival I was greeted by a very cheery girl whose name I for the life of me cannot remember but she was the trainer for that session. The owner, Brian "The Tiger" was also there but mostly just in the outskirts. Both of these folks were really nice. Too nice. Too nice to be in as good of shape as they are in.
The workout was a bit harder on me then I thought it would be simply because the very first thing we did was a series of sprints and THIS super smart girl ate a peanut butter sammy a few hours before. I had reached something called my "Lactic Acid" threshold and all you need to know is, it's not good. Oops. Other then that, the work out consisted of a lot of different kind of squats with weights, sit ups, holding plank position while the other people did their sit ups, and something called "Green Bay" that involves running quickly in place with legs arched out then when the trainer yells Drop! we drop into a plank/pre-pushup position and pop back up. Nice thing about the Boot Camp is that it is in a park that sits over the ocean. I could only imagine how beautiful it would be at sunrise.
Overall the first boot camp session was darn good. I learned to not eat ANYWHERE near the time I will be working out. I felt challenged but not sore. I got this! After the class ended I spoke with Brian "The Tiger" for a bit and talked about my goals and past struggles. He suggested that instead of the 6 days a week I had intended to attend Boot Camp, I only come 3 days a week. At the end of my time when I'm close to my goal, then I can increase my attendance but for now he did not want me to get burned out. As the over achiever I am I didn't love hearing this. But let's be real-I usually do an all or nothing overwhelming regiment when trying to loose weight and what I usually do hasn't been working. He seems like he would know better then I do. So, shock me, shock me, shock me: I'm going to listen to someone else who knows better. Also this week I also started back with yoga and next week I start taking RealRyder spin classes once a week. (Those of you that are familiar with spin, this is spin with a bike that actually moves with you) My body conscious calender is full as it is.
Tuesday: My feel goody-ness from the night before didn't last long. Oh my golly gee goodness I could not move on Tuesday. My thighs felt as though they had clamps on them. May I ask WHY toilets need to be so low to the ground? Unless there's a handicapped railing in the stall, it's a no-go for me. Literally. Walking? I felt like I was trying to walk while having a basketball with a bomb implanted in it between my legs that I wasn't allowed to drop for fear of my life. Pain? Oh, sweet burning muscle have no idea.
Tuesday afternoon Brian "The Tiger" called to check on me and see how I was after my first class. I thought that was pretty cool. My response "Well, my legs and ass hurt a lot more then I thought they would..."
So Tuesday night I went to a deep stretch yoga class that was much needed. After yoga I came home, did not pass Go, did not collect $200, and went straight to bed at 10:30 so I could get up for my second Boot Camp experience bright and early the next morning. Still sore but dammit, I'm doing this!
Wednesday 6am: My alarm goes off. I get up and don't feel as horrid as I thought I would. That little voice in my head said "Go back to sleep, you can go Thursday night instead." But no, I was already awake and had already signed up for a meditation class at my yoga studio for Thursday night. Tricky tired me was trying to not only mess with my health but with my schedule? Oh hell-to-the-no.
Driving to the park I saw so many people out running, biking, etc. Look at all of these people who are always awake and active at this time of day! Who knew??
The Wednesday morning 7:00am session was a lot more crowded then my night session on Monday. There were about 15 people of various ages and shapes and everyone was really nice. I was the slowest. I never realized how fast people can run! Or maybe how slow I run. Brian "The Tiger" was alone training this session and insisted that it was not a race. The only people we are in competition with is ourselves. Overall walking to and from my car hurt my sore muscles a lot more then the running, "Green Bay's" and other drills we did. He even incorporated some much needed yoga into the workout. It was nice to hear other people moaning in soreness- at least I was not alone!
Before I knew it it was 8:00am and I was done with my workout for the day! Wow! I had more then enough time that morning to head home to shower and have a healthy breakfast of organic raisin bran cereal with sugar free almond milk (I recently discovered that almond milk has half as many calories as soy and no estrogen) and half an orange before getting to my office. My legs felt worse. To cross my legs, get into my car, or even put them up I had to grab my pant leg and move each leg manually. Seriously. But I can't complain. How lucky am I that I live in a place where I can work out in the morning, outside, at the stunning ocean in January?
Last night I was able to just take it easy. Note to self: the next time I want to go to a 7:00am class I'm going to have to go to bed even earlier the night before to avoid the mid-afternoon crash.
Thursday: I have today off! Yay! Thank the baby Jesus that today is a day of rest. My legs are almost back to normal and I feel a good kind of muscle strain in my belly. Tonight I am going to a guided meditation workshop at my yoga studio to work out my mind. Currently I am debating either hitting the hay early for another 7:00 am session Friday morning or attending Sunday morning and switching to a Tues/Thurs night/Sunday morning schedule. It's good to have options I just don't want to get too comfortable because comfort=laziness and laziness=chubbiness. Right now I'm thinking I will alternate weeks- one week AM, one week PM in an attempt to compromise with myself.
Apparently Friday morning we will be doing something called "Tiger Ball." I just hope it doesn't involve actual sport playing with teams or any kind of coordinated catching/throwing. I'm more of the "duck and cover" sort when it comes to sports.
So that's the skinny on my getting skinny.
Also, I just purchased 3 bikinis. Watch out now!
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